Sunday, April 26, 2009

Howie and Gina Jenkins

I wanted to be the first to introduce you to my beautiful new sister, Gina. I also have a new nephew and couldn't be more thrilled about my ever growing family. The wedding was absolutely beautiful, the ceremony was so personal and touching. It was truly amazing to witness the sealing of this new little family and especially the father's heart that God has given my brother for his son, Jonah. God is good and I can't wait to see how these three grow together. I have to say my brother's vows were the most beautiful vows I have ever heard, in fact I think it was probably the most profound thing I have ever heard come out of his mouth. Anyhow, it was quite a day, an intimate ceremony with our families and close friends. Here are a couple of pictures. If you know my brother, the exit was so perfect. I was really afraid for Gina, side-saddled on a dirt bike... she really is perfect for Howie. LOVE...

Friday, April 3, 2009
