Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ever since Judah was born he has enjoyed music. It seems to calm him down almost immediately when he's upset or lull him to sleep when he's tired. So Joey and I have perfected a repetoire of songs that we sing to him. Joey's selections include a June Carter Cash song about heaven, Amazing Grace, and a Damien Jurado tune. My favorites are Jesus Loves me, How Great is our God, and a Lori Schafffer song called Welcome. Since Judah is our first child we have a very limited knowledge of traditional children's songs and lullabies so these are Judah's special lullabies. The song Welcome is always the last song that I sing to him before bed time and nap time, hence I sing it about 4-5 times a day. Joey and I laugh that there are some great lessons for mom tucked into the song so I will share this beautiful ode to little boys and what I've learned from it.

by Lori Schaffer (Waterdeep)

Welcome to this dusty land
Where you will cry lots, but we'll all understand. (1)
Things may not turn out sometimes like you've (2) planned,
That's alright our little man.

Welcome outside of you mother's womb
Well I know that it's frightening but now there's more room.
Just think of all of the great things you'll do,
Just by you being you.

Welcome to us, oh our little song,
You're one part your daddy and one part your mom.
We're gonna help you grow up to be strong,
But for now little guy sleep on (3),
But for now littlle guy sleep on.

The first nugget is that he will cry lots!! and I'm supposed to understand, he's just a baby, that's what babies do. He's not going to die and I'm not a horrible mother.

Two, the second line should read 'things may not turn out sometimes like WE planned'. Like when I really want Judah to take a 2 hour nap so I can work out, sweep the floors, take a shower and eat lunch. Then 15 minutes later, just after I've brushed my teeth and put on my workout clothes he wakes up.

And third, there will be a day when he will sleep on. It's always funny when I sing that last line to him as I lay him in his crib and he smiles up at me. Sometimes the smile is followed by a lung exercise and sometimes he lies in bed and plays for like 30 minutes, but he will sleep on... eventually.


Sherry said...

Katie, thanks for sharing, very sweet. The photos on the blog of Judah are adorable. Being a mom is one of the most amazing things in the world... the baby stage can at times be overwhelming.. but just take one day at a time and rejoice in it... it goes by quick!